Title Rewritten: International Musicians Come Together for Piano Festival, Featuring Naga Pianist Khyochano TCK
Chokkapan SThe power of community is quite strong in Bengaluru; this is a city that appreciates all types of arts and culture, believes Khyochano TCK, a Naga pianist who set to bring the Brillante Pia...

The community spirit in Bengaluru is strong, embracing various arts and cultures, says Khyochano TCK, a Naga pianist bringing the Brillante Piano Festival to the city. Musicians from 18 countries and 16 Indian states will participate in the festival, uniting for a common purpose. The festival, which began in 2017 in Kohima, Nagaland, features performances, workshops, competitions, and masterclasses in jazz, contemporary, and classical genres. The event also includes the Specially Abled Musicians (SAM) platform, aiming for inclusivity. Before the festival, a street piano event on Church Street showcased community engagement through music, emphasizing the power of art to unite diverse communities.